The guiding principle at Math Allowance is to create an inviting learning environment. Our goal is to create an experience that kids want to try and interact with. Our approach remains unapologetically educational. There are no efforts to mask the learning experience and to hide behind other forms of media. Instead, our approach is to appeal to personal satisfaction and achievement. These motivators are more fundamental and will last well beyond your subscription with Math Allowance. Our philosophy requires a comprehensive rethinking about teaching and a variety of tools that are everchanging.
From the start, Math Allowance focuses on achievements earned rather than grades. All the reports, notifications and messages proudly convey hard work and skills mastered. The idea is that education is not a contest, it is a journey that is difficult and riddled with hurdles. As parents and educators, the focus should be on the process and not on the immediate results.
Math Allowance also provides more flexibility. Since the platform is available on the web and accessible through any phone, tablet or computer, kids can choose when and where they want to do homework. Math Allowance doesn't get in the way of Saturday morning cartoons and can be completed piecemeal and on-the-go.
The single biggest motivator available is parental engagement. When parents take an interest, children are more focused and engaged, they take more pride in their work and their sense of achievement is stronger. Math Allowance makes it easier than ever to be engaged in their education. We provide activities and suggestions tied directly to your child's progress and meaningful reports to highlight their achievements.
Unfortunately, this approach doesn't yield overnight results. Math Allowance uses a small financial incentive to ignite this process. Our rewards system motivates children to try our platform for the first time and with precise timing, we present the reward to reinforce hard work and perseverance.
Our guiding principle of an inviting learning environment is simple, but the execution is not. We are always looking to improve Math Allowance and are happy to hear from students, parents and educators.